Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dogs and cats living together...

Dogs and cats living together..., originally uploaded by Cat Nine.

This is Watson with Miss HP (the cat I found on a rainy day at a bus station in April). She's very concerned about his level of cleanliness, as you can tell...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Long time, no post...

We'll call this "Adventures at the Dog Park."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spot in the sun...

dog day 1, originally uploaded by Cat Nine.

And finally, Watson's spot to curl up - the cat's perch under the window. We've had to reinforce it, because it's intended for a ten pound cat, but getting a surprising amount of use from a thirty pound dog...

Crazy dogs...

dog day 5, originally uploaded by Cat Nine.

This is a truly bad picture of Watson playing with Suki - she's half his age and practically twice his size.

Running errands

dog day 4, originally uploaded by Cat Nine.

Out at the vet's, picking up food for Banjo.

Dog or pillow?

dog day 2, originally uploaded by Cat Nine.

Watson's favorite place to cuddle - wrapped around Alex's shoulders...


dog day 3, originally uploaded by Cat Nine.

For a change of pace, Banjo. As you can see, he'd like us to stop fooling around and get back to important things like dropping food he can eat.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New coat...

watson new coat 3, originally uploaded by Cat Nine.

This is the coat Watson got for Christmas. He seems to like it...