Sunday, October 11, 2009

Busy weekend

It's been a tiring weekend, and the temperature has dropped a bit, so you can see the boys are dealing with that in their cuddly way. Watson seems pretty darn eager to learn during the training, though he keeps trying to outsmart all of us. (It hasn't worked ... yet.) Someday we'll hopefully manage some action shots out and about instead of the late night cell phone picture while we're all falling asleep. You take what you can get, I suppose :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Delayed gratification?

Long time, no post. As you can see, Watson doesn't fit in my lap nearly as well as he used to, not that that stops him from trying! And our new training classes start Monday night. I don't know how I can take pictures during them, but we'll see what we can do :)